
Moga came into existence as 17th district of Punjab on 24th November, 1995. Before this Moga was the subdivision of Faridkot district. The district falls under the jurisdiction of Ferozepur division. It share boundaries with Jalandhar district in North Ludhiana district in East, Sangrur in South and Faridkot and Ferozepur in West, spread over in area of 2230 sq. km contributing 4.42% area of Punjab State. District has male and female literacy rate of 68.4% and 58.96% respectively. The district falls in agro climatic Zone VI (according to National classification) and Zone IV (according to State classification) characterized with alluvial soils. Average annual rainfall in the district is 461mm. Rice, wheat, cotton; summer moong, potato are the major crops in the district. Apart from this cultivation of vegetables and some fruits, like guava and ber is becoming popular among the farmers of the district. The district comprises of four Sub-divisions and five blocks (Moga-I, Moga-II, Kot-Ise-Khan, Bagha Purana, and Nihal Singh Wala) |
Major farming systems/enterprises in Moga |
S. No |
Farming system/enterprise |
1. |
Rice-wheat +Dairy farming |
2. |
Cotton-wheat +Dairy farming |
3. |
Vegetable cultivation +Dairy farming |
4. |
Rice-Potato-Summer Moong |
Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography) |
S. No |
Agro-climatic Zone |
Characteristics |
1. |
6 (National Level), IV (State level) |
Alluvial soils. |
Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district Moga |
S. No |
Crop |
Area (ha) |
Production (Qtl) |
Productivity (Qtl /ha) |
1. |
Rice |
174 thousand |
746 thousand |
42.90 |
2. |
Wheat |
176 thousand |
885 thousand |
50.30 |
3. |
Cotton |
3.3 thousand |
14 thousands bales |
7.21 |
4. |
Oilseed |
1.5 thousand |
2.0 thousand |
12.90 |
5. |
Potato |
5.3 thousand |
122.5 thousand |
231.2 |
Land Holdings in the district Moga:- |
Sr. no. |
Category of Farmers |
No of families |
1. |
Marginal (<1 hac) |
4899 |
2. |
Small (1-2 hac) |
7526 |
3. |
Semi Medium (2-4 hac) |
18187 |
4. |
Medium (4-10 hac) |
18210 |
5. |
Large (>10 hac) |
2407 |
Total |
51229 |